Friday, December 2, 2011

Stock Photography Sales Statistic November 2011

This is my stock photography sales statistic for November 2011. You can find a complete list of stock photography agencies that I work with here.

These are for me the best 4 performing stock agencies for November 2011:
  1. Shutterstock
  2. Zazzle
  3. DepositPhotos
  4. Dreamstime
November was a good month with a small decrease of 1% compared to October and an increase of 51% compared to November 2010. Again it was an excellent month for DepositPhotos! It was the best month ever for PhotoDune, Stockfresh, and Superhug (if you sign up, please use referral "hlehnerer").

(This statistic include referral earning at the different agencies)

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1 comment:

alex l. said...

WOW Zazzle second and DepositPhotos third!
That really surprising for me :)
By the way, thank you for sharing all the information with us!

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